Youngest BIPOC Elected official in Washington state history.

At the age of 21, Lynnwood city councilman Josh Binda made history by becoming the youngest African American to ever be elected in Washington State. Josh's dedication to his community is evident through his exceptional achievements.

-He spearheaded efforts to secure hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding for mental health clinicians to be brought into elementary, middle, and high schools across Lynwood.

-He successfully secured tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships for youth and seniors, enabling them to use the city’s recreational facilities for free.

-He led the push for millions in funding for Lynwood’s Parks and Recreation department, centering the enhancement of residents’ quality of life within city priorities.

Speaker at the National league of cities congressional conference for youth delegates.

Josh was a speaker at the closing session of the National League of Cities Congressional Conference for youth delegates from across the country. His powerful message about why it is important for young people to take on roles of leadership resonated with the young delegates and inspired them to take proactive measures within their communities and advocate for positive change on a national level.

425 Business magazine 30 under 30.

At age 22, Josh was recognized as one of the top youngest and brightest professionals by 425 Business Magazine, being named in their prestigious "30 Under 30" list. This accolade recognized his humble upbringings and rise as a local activist before becoming one of the youngest elected officials in state history. Josh was a nominee for Forbes Magazine’s 30 Under 30 list the following year, as well.

Self-published author of debut book “breaking barriers”

In 2023, Josh self-published and released his debut book, "Breaking Barriers." This empowering self-help workbook serves as a guide that enables readers to overcome obstacles and unlock their full potential. Josh’s goal with then book is to empower others to achieve success in all aspects of their lives.

Speaking tours to inspire tens of thousands of our youth

Josh has successfully completed two impactful, statewide school tours, captivating nearly 40,000 elementary, middle, and high school students throughout the district and state. He has also spoken at numbers colleges and universities. With his powerful speeches, he ignites a fire within the next generation, empowering them to embrace leadership roles and make a positive impact in our world.

“We Believe In Now”

“We Believe In Now”